Bird Control Product Details

Pestgo - Anti Bird Matting Spikes
ABS Spikes, extremely strong and Sharp edge to prevent Bird Colonization.
Technical Specification Of Pestgo-Anti Bird Matting Spikes Against Bird Menace
Trade Name : Pestgo- Bird Matting Spikes.
Material : Polyolefin all weather-proof Co-Polymer
Dimensions : Spikes are available in a Standard Size
- The length of each piece is 6.8 cms.
- The width of each piece is 4.0 cms.
- The Height of each piece 9.5 cms.
- The weight of each piece is 20gms ± 5%.
- The gap between the two inner spike edge is 1.5cms.
Plastic Quality : Sturdy plastic does the same job as Stainless steel at a FRACTION of the cost.
Features : Sharp Edge
Shelf Life : 5 Years
Effective Life : 3 Years
- 5 Grams of glue shall be used in the bottom of Spike for fixing.
- Quantity of glue used shall be 1.25 gms.
- If required, GI wire and Cable tie 6" and 9" is recommended for snore firm installation.